Securing your ideal rental property can be difficult at the best of times, particularly in highly competitive markets such as in the metropolitan suburbs of Melbourne and Sydney. As a…
Victoria’s economic activity is becoming increasingly centred around Melbourne and the surrounding suburbs 10 kilometres from the city’s centre. Regional figures compiled by SGS Economics and Planning have revealed that…
Infrastructure Victoria, the independent statutory authority responsible for providing advice and guidance to decision making on Victoria’s infrastructure needs and priorities, has recently released its draft 30 year strategy plan….
Victoria Records Strongest Levels of Population Growth at 1.9%, ABS Reveals Latest demographic data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) showed that over the…
Melbourne Once Again Most Liveable City Plus Victoria Charging Ahead With Population Growth One of the key drivers of the housing and property market relates to population growth, with recent studies…
Auction clearance rates remain strong across Victoria with a healthy average clearance rate of 79 per cent recorded this past weekend of Sunday 17th July 2016. Interestingly, these clearance rates are…